Amal Alhajiri: We can combine art and business

Amal Alhajiri says in a global press interview that we can combine art and the business world and succeed in both. She reviews the various types of arts and sheds light on the combination of some of these types of arts. Art is an aesthetic work that evokes feelings of joy, pleasure and admiration in the human soul. When the term art or arts is mentioned without an adjective, it indicates the production of beauty through various artistic works. The association of the word art since ancient times until the present era with abstract meanings such as skill, mastery and creativity in doing things has in turn led to the expansion of the concept of arts.

Recently, the computer has added digital arts that have flourished with the presence of the World Wide Web. Digital art has become one of the modern trends in presenting artworks.

This research aims to shed light on the combination of plastic arts and digital arts, which include many arts. The research also presents modern technologies and various media that artists have used through electronic and computer devices to create a complete new experience.

The research concluded the importance of using modern means and techniques to integrate art styles, which adds a new vision and a new style of creativity to the world of art that is compatible with the modern era and contemporary styles.

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